I had an acute migraine attack weeks/months ago and have had daily symptoms since. What is happening? Why am I still getting symptoms everyday?
Persistent daily symptoms following an acute migraine attack can be indicative of a condition called Status Migrainosus. This occurs when a migraine attack lasts longer than 72 hours and can sometimes extend into weeks or months.
In status migrainosus, the brain remains in a hyperexcitable state, leading to ongoing symptoms that are often similar to regular migraine attacks such as head pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light or sound. This prolonged activation of migraine pathways can make it difficult for the brain to return to its baseline state.
The exact reasons why an individual migraine attack progresses to status migrainosus are not fully understood. However, a combination of triggers may play a role, including stress, lack of sleep, skipping meals, changes in medication, and a flare up of other health conditions. Management often requires medical intervention to interrupt the cycle of symptoms and address contributing factors.
Status Migrainosus is a complex condition, but with appropriate treatment and prevention strategies, it can often be resolved, reducing the impact on daily life.