Living with migraine
Living with migraine can be challenging, affecting many areas of life, including work, relationships, and daily activities. At Migraine Australia, we offer resources to help you manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life. Our resources cover a range of topics, from self-care strategies to alternative treatments and lifestyle modifications. We aim to empower you to take control of your migraine and live life to the fullest.
Managing migraine
🔊 Audio Factsheet: Managing Migraine
Suggestions on lifestyle changes to help manage migraines as well as non-drug options for managing attacks, acute or ‘rescue’ medication and preventative medication.
Clinically reviewed by: Dr Bronwyn Jenkins (BMed FRACP)
Simplified Chinese
Factsheet: Managing Migraine - Simplified Chinese
🔊 Managing Migraine - Mandarin
Phases, symptoms and triggers
Migraine phases & symptoms video
Factsheet: Phases and Symptoms of Migraine
- Discover the phases and symptoms of each phase.
- Clinically reviewed by: Dr Jason Ray (MBBS FRACP)
Migraine medication
Factsheet: Triptans and Acute Migraine Medications
- Find out more about Triptans and how to use them, as well as an overview of acute medications available.
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Emma Foster MBBS FRACP PhD
Factsheet: Preventive Medications for Migraine
- Information on preventative medications options
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Bronwyn Jenkins (BMed FRACP)
Factsheet: Medication Overuse Headache
- Discover the causes of medication overuse headache and how to limit the likelihood.
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Christina Sun-Edelstein, MD FRACP
Migraine support
Factsheet: Living with Migraine and Getting Support
- Suggestions on who you may need in your care team
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Emma Foster MBBS FRACP PhD
Factsheet: Migraine Apps and Diaries
- Understand the benefit of diaries and migraine apps
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Emma Foster MBBS FRACP PhD