Caring for people with migraine
Caring for someone with migraine can be emotionally and physically demanding, and it's essential to take care of yourself while supporting your loved one. At Migraine Australia, we offer resources to help you understand migraine and provide the best possible care. We aim to support you in your role as a caregiver and help you maintain your well-being.
About migraine
🔊 Audio Factsheet: What is Migraine
- Clinically reviewed by: Dr Emma Foster MBBS FRACP PhD
Simplified Chinese
Factsheet: What is Migraine - Simplified Chinese Translated
🔊 What is Migraine - Mandarin Audio
Phases and symptoms
Migraine phases & symptoms video
Factsheet: Phases and Symptoms of Migraine
- Discover the phases and symptoms of each phase.
- Clinically reviewed by: Dr Jason Ray (MBBS FRACP)
Migraine support
Factsheet: Living with Migraine and Getting Support
- Suggestions on who you may need in your care team
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Emma Foster MBBS FRACP PhD
Factsheet: Migraine Apps and Diaries
- Understand the benefit of diaries and migraine apps
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Emma Foster MBBS FRACP PhD