Just diagnosed
If you have just been diagnosed with migraine, it is natural to feel overwhelmed or unsure of what to do next. At Migraine Australia, we understand the challenges that come with a new diagnosis and offer resources to help you navigate this stage of the journey. Our resources aim to provide you with a clear understanding of the condition and its treatments, as well as tips for managing symptoms and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We are here to support you as you take the first steps towards managing your migraine.
About Migraine
🔊 Audio Factsheet: What is Migraine
- Clinically reviewed by: Dr Emma Foster MBBS FRACP PhD
Simplified Chinese
Factsheet: What is Migraine - Simplified Chinese Translated
🔊 What is Migraine - Mandarin Audio
Managing migraine
🔊 Audio Factsheet: Managing Migraine
- Suggestions on lifestyle changes to help manage migraines as well as non-drug options for managing attacks, acute or ‘rescue’ medication and preventative medication.
- Clinically reviewed by: Dr Bronwyn Jenkins (BMed FRACP)
Simplified Chinese
Factsheet: Managing Migraine - Simplified Chinese
🔊 Managing Migraine - Mandarin
Factsheet: Managing Migraine - Arabic Translated
🔊 Managing Migraine - Arabic Audio