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Diaries and apps

There are many different diaries and apps you can try.

Some people find recording their symptoms, medications and triggers empowering and useful, others find that the constant recording of being sick takes a toll on their mental health. As a general rule, the only time to really use a diary is when you're in a transition phase - for example, there's been a big shift in your migraine attacks and you're trying to figure out what is going on, or you're changing medication and want to know if it is really helping or not. 


Migraine diaries

You don't need a special migraine diary, you can just keep notes in an ordinary journal or diary. Your neurologist may also have a diary format they prefer.

Here are a couple of popular printed diaries: 


Migraine apps

There are many migraine phone apps, as well as headache apps and chronic pain apps that are used by people with migraine. Migraine Australia does not endorse any of them: you need to find what works for you.

Here's Healthline's review of the best migraine apps 2020.


Useful links:

Factsheet: Migraine Apps and Diaries

  • Understand the benefit of diaries and migraine apps 
  • Clinically reviewed by Dr Emma Foster MBBS FRACP PhD