Update 27 March 2024
The expected resolution date of the Ajovy supply restriction has been extended on the TGA website (now listed as 30 April 2024).
The supply issues are continuing to cause distress throughout the community, but please note the update below regarding Emgality supply if this is an option.
Please reach out to your medical team, and your support networks as these medication supply issues continue to cause havoc.
Update 14 March 2024
Great News!
The Emgality Shortage is now listed on the TGA website as resolved from today.
This is supported with reports from the community of being able to fill their scripts at the pharmacy!
Unfortunately Ajovy is still listed as restricted supply in both forms, however with supplies of Emgality coming back into the market, hopefully this will be resolved in the near future.
Original post:
As many of you know, Emgality has been in short supply in Australia since Nov 2023 due to a manufacturing problem. This shortage has been affecting many patients.
The manufacturer of Emgality, Eli Lilly, has advised that there is still a limited supply available, and that it is not completely unavailable. They have advised the shortage should be resolved by the 1st April 2024, and that further updates will be communicated to the TGA.
Due to the Emgality shortage, many who are able have switched to Ajovy. Consequently, the sudden increase in demand has caused a supply shortage of both the autoinjector and syringe forms of Ajovy as well.
Teva, who manufactures Ajovy, has reassured that there are no manufacturing issues, just an unexpected surge in demand due to the Emgality shortage. They have also said that neither form is more likely to be available than the other, and that due to different pharmacies using different wholesalers, it is worthwhile checking with several as they may have different restocking dates. It is currently advised that the Ajovy shortage is also expected to resolve by 1st April 2024.
The best advice both companies have is to ring around and see if any pharmacies near you have stock. If you have a script for Ajovy, it does not matter if your script is for the autoinjector or the syringe, they are interchangeable – so if your script says one and the pharmacy has the other, you can still get your medication.
Please search the TGA medication shortage database here for updated information here
These shortages further highlight the limitations of the current PBS listings and restrictions, and the medical system in general. There is a critical shortage of neurologists in Australia, particularly those with a specialty in migraine. It may take several months or even longer to get an appointment, even in cities where multiple options for care are available. The CGRP medications are only available with a PBS prescription when initially prescribed by a neurologist and where other conditions are met (read more here).
When something like the current situation occurs, it is extremely difficult or impossible to obtain an immediate appointment to change medications. Changing the restrictions to allow GP’s to prescribe alternative medications during medication shortages is just one idea that could alleviate the pressure on this system.
In addition, listing more CGRP medications such as Aimovig and Nurtec on the PBS would not only provide more affordable options to those seeking effective treatment, it would provide more medications over which to distribute the demand when these issues happen.
Migraine Australia has written to the Health Minister Mark Butler to urge him to assist in managing the shortages of our CGRP medications, emphasizing that for us, not having these medications is akin to a diabetic not having their insulin: the impact is debilitating.
We know these medication shortages are very distressing! Please check in with your doctor to discuss your options, and your support network during this time. Join the Migraine Warriors Australia Support Group to connect with others who understand what you are going through.