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MAM2021 Schedule

Here's the current schedule of highlight events throughout Migraine Awareness Month! This is a live schedule and is subject to change, especially as we work around migraine attacks and we continue recording interviews. If you want to do an IG live, please DM @migraineaus on insta. 

Highlights of MAM2021

Tues June 1

Thriving with Migraine: ABC's Sophie Scott @sophiescott2
IG LIVE, 7PM AEST: RK talks to Sunraysia Ambassador Allie Collyer
FACEBOOK LIVE, 7.30PM AEST: Members Only Facebook Live, Migraine Australia Members Group

Wed Jun 2

Thriving with Migraine: Sharon Vertigan
Migraine Treatment Options: Emgality
FACEBOOK LIVE, 7.30PM AEST: Ask us anything!, Migraine Australia Chat Group

Thu Jun 3

Thriving with Migraine: Mel Bunting
Migraine Support: Migraine Parents
Migraine Treatment Options: Triptans
IG LIVE, 7.00PM AEST: MAM2021 live chat with Grace Adams

Fri Jun 4

Thriving with Migraine: Marni Franks
Migraine community: Beth Morton @counterfactual.brain and #migrainechat
Migraine Community: Nora Burre @migrainecoaching

Sat Jun 5

Thriving with Migraine: Natalie Chivers
Migraine Support: Painaustralia's National Pain Services Directory
Migraine support: Paramedic Buck Reed discusses when it is ok to call an ambulance for a migraine attack

Sun Jun 6

Understand Migraine: Vestibular Migraine with Dr Tom Wellings
Thriving with Migraine: Fiona McGaugan
Migraine Community: Kacie Ferguson @migraine.nutritionist

Mon Jun 7

Shine a light day: remembering those who have lost their lives to Migraine.
Migraine Treatment Options: Ajovy
Thriving with Migraine: Emily Cordes @movementwithmigraine

Tue Jun 8

Meet the Team: Sarah
Thriving with Migraine: Annabel Baynie
Migraine Treatment Options: Osteopathy with Courtney Maxwell

Wed Jun 9

Meet the team: Jacqui
Thriving with Migraine: QUT's Distinguished Professor Lyn Griffiths
FACEBOOK LIVE, 7.30PM AEST: Managing Migraine at Work, Migraine Australia Chat Group

Thu Jun 10

Migraine Community: Tia O'Hare
Meet the Team: Kelli
Thriving with Migraine: Amanda Ingrassia
IG LIVE, 8AM AEST: RK talks to dietician Kelli Yates @the.migraine.dietitian

Fri Jun 11

Migraine Treatment Options: Dr Richard White on the new CGRP medications
Thriving with Migraine: Gabriella Kelly Davies

Sat Jun 12

Migraine Treatment Options: Diet
Thriving with Migraine: Charmaine Summers 

Sun Jun 13

Meet the team: RK
Thriving with migraine: Josephine Lau @lovejosephineyoga

Mon Jun 14

Migraine Support: How your pharmacist can help you manage migraine with Nicolette Ellis, clinical pharmacist at Beyond Pain
Men's Health Week

Tue Jun 15

Meet the team: Paul
Thriving with Migraine: UNSW's Dr Ben Harris-Roxas

Wed Jun 16

Understand Migraine: MOH with Dr Richard Stark, President of the ANZ Headache Society
Thriving with Migraine: Luke Paton 
FACEBOOK LIVE, 7.30PM AEST: Migraine Language and why it's changing, Migraine Australia Chat Group

Thu Jun 17

Understanding Migraine: Migraine and Stroke Risk with Dr Dennis Cordato
Thriving with Migraine: Kevin Bateman

Fri Jun 18

Thriving with Migraine: Alicia Skerritt
Migraine Support: Managing your doctors
IG LIVE, 7AM AEST: RK talks to the Association of Migraine Disorders about Shades for Migraine

Sat Jun 19

Thriving with Migraine: UNSW's Dr Clare Southerton
Understanding Migraine: Migraine brain function research with Dr Noemi Meylakh from the University of Sydney

Sun Jun 20

Thriving with Migraine: ABC's Sabra Lane 
Migraine Treatment Options: Botox
Meet the team: Alicia

Mon Jun 21

Migraine Community: Adriene Dellorco @yogamigraine (International Day of Yoga) 
Thriving with Migraine: Merredy Brown

Tue Jun 22

Thriving with Migraine: Heather Anderson
Understanding Migraine: What is Migraine with Professor Peter Goadsby
Meet the Team: Usha

Wed Jun 23

Thriving with Migraine: Former MP and Author Julia Banks
Migraine support: Managing incontinence with Janie Thompson from the Continence Foundation (World Continence Week) 
IG LIVE, 9.30AM AEST: Jo talks to the Marina of @parentingwithmigraine
FACEBOOK LIVE, 7.30PM AEST: What is Migraine?, Migraine Australia Chat Group

Thu Jun 24

Migraine Community: Alicia Wolf @dizzycook and the Heal Your Headache Diet
Migraine Treatment Options: Physiotherapy with Rachel Forlonge from Neurolink Physiotherapy

Fri Jun 25

Thriving with Migraine: Brent Liebenberg
Migraine Community: Anna Bezer @migraine_believer
Meet the team: Katrina

Sat Jun 26

Migraine Treatment Options: Treating Vestibular Migraine with Dr Ron Granot
Thriving with Migraine: Tanya Batt

Sun Jun 27

Thriving with Migraine: Kiana Jones
Meet the team: Flynn

Mon Jun 28

Thriving with Migraine: President-Elect of the ANZ Headache Society Dr Bronwyn Jenkins
Migraine Treatment Options: Aimovig

Tue Jun 29

Migraine management: Avulux glasses
Thriving with Migraine: John Birmingham

Wed Jun 30

Understand Migraine: Aimie Peek
Thriving with Migraine: Mike Freelander
Thriving with Migraine: Sue-Ellen Hill
FACEBOOK LIVE, 7.30PM AEST: Ask us anything!, Migraine Australia Chat Group