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Checking in this Liptember

September is Liptember – a month dedicated to raising funds and awareness for women’s mental health.

With more than three million Australians living with migraine, 70 per cent of those are women – and we know a high number of migraine patients also live with a mental health disorder.

Migraine Australia volunteer, Kellie, has been involved with Liptember since the beginning. After being hospitalised with post-natal depression, she understands the importance of raising awareness.

Kellie has also lived with migraine since she was 13. “Liptember gives us an opportunity to talk about mental health and it creates a really simple way to start a conversation – pop on a bit of crazy coloured lipstick and before you know it you’re chatting with someone about why you’re wearing it and they’re offering $5 to support women’s mental health,” said Kellie.

Since it’s inception eleven years ago, Liptember has funded a range of initiatives including the batyr@schools program, targeting mental health in secondary schools; the Charlie’s Tales body confidence book series for young girls; and Bear House, a postpartum support program.

“These initiatives are incredibly important. After experiencing depression myself and having a 16-year-old daughter live with chronic anxiety, I know first-hand how much these programs are needed.

“Mental health support and having access to medically trained, mental health professionals is integral for those who live with migraine. A trusted psychologist and/or psychiatrist should be part of your migraine care team,” said Kellie.

Get involved in Liptember. Find out more here.

Read more about migraine and mental health.

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