Welcome to Migraine Australia's resources page, where you can find a wealth of information and support to help you navigate your migraine journey. With the assistance of our friends at the Australia New Zealand Headache Society, we have developed a range of resources, including factsheets, videos, and audio content, to provide you with valuable insights and practical tools for managing migraine.
Whether you are just diagnosed, living with migraine, or caring for someone with migraine, our resources are tailored to meet your unique needs at every stage of the journey. Our resources are designed to empower you with knowledge, practical tips, and coping strategies to better understand migraine and effectively manage its impact on your daily life.
We are committed to providing reliable, evidence-based information to help you make informed decisions about your migraine care. Explore our resources and equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to thrive in your journey with migraine.
About Migraine
An overview of migraine, potential causes, management and where to get help
🔊 Audio Factsheet: What is Migraine
- Clinically reviewed by: Dr Emma Foster MBBS FRACP PhD
Managing Migraine
🔊 Audio Factsheet: Managing Migraine
- Suggestions on lifestyle changes to help manage migraines as well as non-drug options for managing attacks, acute or ‘rescue’ medication and preventative medication.
- Clinically reviewed by: Dr Bronwyn Jenkins (BMed FRACP)
Migraine phases & symptoms video
Factsheet: Phases and Symptoms of Migraine
- Discover the phases and symptoms of each phase.
- Clinically reviewed by: Dr Jason Ray (MBBS FRACP)
Factsheet: Understanding Migraine Triggers
- Understand the difference between migraine triggers and symptoms and learn about the migraine threshold.
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Emma Foster MBBS FRACP PhD
Migraine Subtypes
Find out about migraine subtypes, how they differ from other migraines and treatment advice.
Common types of migraine video
Frequently misdiagnosed migraine video
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Bronwyn Jenkins (BMed FRACP)
Factsheet: Vestibular Migraine
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Benjamin Tsang BPharm (Hons) MBBS FRACP
Factsheet: Hemiplegic Migraine
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Nicole Limberg MBBS, FRACP
- Clinically reviewed by Dr. Christina Sun-Edelstein MD FRACP
- Clinically reviewed by Dr. Christina Sun-Edelstein MD FRACP
Factsheet: Migraine with Unilateral Symptoms (MUMS)
- Clinically reviewed by Assoc. Prof Richard Stark
Factsheet: Migraine and Hormones
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Nicole Limberg MBBS, FRACP
Factsheet: Migraine and Exercise
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Emma Foster MBBS FRACP PhD
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Emma Foster MBBS FRACP PhD
Migraine Medication
Factsheet: Triptans and Acute Migraine Medications
- Find out more about Triptans and how to use them, as well as an overview of acute medications available.
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Emma Foster MBBS FRACP PhD
Factsheet: Preventive Medications for Migraine
- Information on preventative medications options
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Bronwyn Jenkins (BMed FRACP)
Factsheet: Medication Overuse Headache
- Discover the causes of medication overuse headache and how to limit the likelihood.
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Christina Sun-Edelstein, MD FRACP
Migraine Support
Factsheet: Living with Migraine and Getting Support
- Suggestions on who you may need in your care team
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Emma Foster MBBS FRACP PhD
Factsheet: Migraine Apps and Diaries
- Understand the benefit of diaries and migraine apps
- Clinically reviewed by Dr Emma Foster MBBS FRACP PhD